If you’re dealing with an unintended pregnancy, you may be considering whether to turn to a pregnancy center such as Mosaic Health.
You may have also heard rumors from friends, the media or even some government-funded abortion clinics that pregnancy centers are just “fake clinics” that try to deceive and shame you into a particular pregnancy decision.
The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth. At Mosaic, you’ll find a team of licensed medical professionals and highly trained volunteers who care about you. We are dedicated to providing the quality, compassionate care and accurate information you deserve at this challenging time in your life.
Here are some of the common myths you may hear about Mosaic and other pregnancy centers, along with the actual facts you need to know.
Myth #1: Pregnancy centers are not “real” clinics.
TRUTH: All medical services at Mosaic are performed by trained and licensed medical professionals, under the direction of a licensed OB-GYN.
Our limited medical services include free pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds and STD/STI testing and treatment, all administered in accordance with applicable laws. We carefully screen all staff and volunteers who interact with clients.
Myth #2: Most women have a bad experience at pregnancy centers.
TRUTH: Over 95% of Mosaic clients say they would recommend us to a friend. You can visit our Success Stories page and get to know just a few of the thousands of women who have benefitted from our services over the years.
Pregnancy centers across America offer the very best care and support for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, and consistently achieve client satisfaction ratings of well over 90%.
Myth #3: You will be shamed and judged at a pregnancy center.
TRUTH: At Mosaic, all clients are welcomed with a smile.
Our Commitment of Care emphasizes the importance of treating all women with kindness and compassion.
All medical staff and volunteers understand that your situation is unique, and we will take the time to listen to you and answer your questions truthfully. We fully understand that your pregnancy decision is yours and yours alone, and you will be treated with respect no matter what you decide.
Myth #4: Pregnancy centers use deception.
TRUTH: Mosaic and other pregnancy centers must comply with a strict code of ethics that includes truthfulness in all communications.
All advertising and communications accurately describe the services we offer. We clearly communicate that we do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients. And because we have no financial stake in your decision, we are free to provide you with completely accurate information to guide your pregnancy decision.
All pregnancy and sexual education provided is medically accurate. At Mosaic, you will receive accurate information about pregnancy, fetal development, lifestyle issues and any related concerns you have. We provide complete information on parenting, adoption and abortion, including potential risks, so that you can make a decision you’ll feel good about.
Myth #5: Pregnancy centers discriminate against or deceptively target minority women.
TRUTH: Mosaic believes that all women deserve quality, compassionate medical care and truthful information.
We welcome all clients, regardless of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, physical disability (including HIV/AIDS), mental disability or medical condition.
Myth #6: Pregnancy centers don’t care what happens after you give birth.
TRUTH: Mosaic cares about your well-being, and we are committed to helping you give your baby the best start in life.
Our First Steps parenting classes prepare you for childbirth and parenting, so you know what to expect and how to care for your child after giving birth.
Upon completion of the First Steps program, you will earn a gift basket of free baby items.
We also provide referrals to the many local agencies who are ready to help you with other material needs, including housing, clothing, food, medical care, completing your education or finding employment.
Myth #7: Pregnancy centers don’t care about your privacy.
TRUTH: Mosaic abides by a strict confidentiality policy.
We aren’t going to “tell your mom” or anyone else about the services you receive from us without permission or as required by law.
All client information is held in absolute confidence, and releases and permissions are obtained legally and appropriately. Client information is only disclosed when required by law and when necessary to protect the client or others against imminent harm.
If you’re not sure what to do about an unplanned pregnancy, contact Mosaic Health to schedule a free pregnancy test. We’ll provide the compassionate help and truthful information you need in a friendly environment, free of shaming, judgment or coercion.