“Am I pregnant?”
If you’re sexually active and you’ve missed a period, you may be wondering.
An unplanned pregnancy can leave you feeling emotional, scared and confused about what to do next.
The good news is, there are many resources available at little or no cost to help you have a healthy pregnancy and make decisions you can feel good about.
Mosaic Health provides free pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, pregnancy counseling, education and the opportunity to earn free baby items.
We can also refer you to doctors, social service agencies, housing assistance and other local organizations who can provide valuable resources to help you and your baby thrive.
Get a Free Pregnancy Test
Even if you’ve taken a home pregnancy test, you still need a lab-quality pregnancy test to be sure.
Mosaic Health offers free, confidential pregnancy testing that can detect pregnancy in its earliest stages, with an accuracy rate of 99%.
Tests are self-administered and nurse-administered, and test results are provided during your appointment, along with a pregnancy verification form, so you’ll have a clear answer right away.
Contact Mosaic Health at any time to schedule a free pregnancy test.
Get a Free Ultrasound
If your pregnancy test result comes back positive, your next step is to get an ultrasound.
Why do you need an ultrasound? It’s estimated that 25% of pregnancies are non-viable, meaning they are likely to end in miscarriage.
A limited ultrasound provides accurate information on pregnancy status, such as how far along you are and whether your pregnancy is likely to carry to term.
An ultrasound can detect complications like ectopic pregnancy, which is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical treatment.
Mosaic Health offers free limited ultrasound services, which can often take place on the same day as your pregnancy test and initial consultation.
Your ultrasound at Mosaic Health is confidential and will not show up on your insurance.
Get Tested for STDs
All pregnant women should be tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Most STIs have no symptoms in their earliest stages.
Women with untreated STIs are at risk of passing the condition to their babies during childbirth.
Early detection and treatment reduces the risk to mom and baby.
Both women and men can get free STD testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia at Mosaic Health, along with other sexual health services:
STD/STI consultations
Risk assessment
Doctor referrals
Get Medically Accurate Abortion Information
If you’re considering having an abortion, it’s essential to get as much accurate information as possible.
There are three important steps to making an informed abortion decision:
Confirm the viability of your pregnancy through an ultrasound
Get tested for STIs/STDs, as an untreated infection increases the risk of abortion complications
Consider all possible risks of abortion
Mosaic Health offers free, confidential pregnancy counseling in which we provide medically accurate abortion information.
What are the stages of fetal development?
How is abortion performed?
What are the different types of abortion procedures?
What is the difference between a medical and surgical abortion?
What are the risks of abortion?
Enroll in Childbirth and Parenting Classes
Don’t think you’re ready for parenting? Mosaic Health is here to help!
Our First Steps parenting and childbirth class helps you prepare for your baby’s arrival, learn vital parenting and life skills, and earn free baby items. The class consists of four class sessions, lasting two hours each.
Class 1 covers fetal development, pregnancy nutrition, pregnancy anatomy and body changes, exercises, how to time contractions and signs of labor.
Class 2 focuses on labor, delivery and what to expect postpartum.
In Class 3 you’ll learn more about breastfeeding, pediatrician referrals, how to calm your baby and questions to ask your baby’s doctor.
Class 4 includes important parenting topics, such as baby safety, SIDS, shaken baby syndrome, car seat and crib recommendations, infant CPR, along with parenting resources and support for after your baby arrives.
Get Free Material Support
Many first-time parents wonder how they will afford all of the resources needed to raise a child. This is especially true for women facing an unplanned pregnancy.
All new moms who complete Mosaic Health’s First Steps class will take home a gift basket of free baby items including diapers, clothing, toys, Mommy gifts and more.
Depending on availability, we may also provide the following:
Car seats
High chairs
Pack n play
Rock n play
We will also refer you to local service agencies who will provide additional material support for you and your baby.
The Baby Bank (referral from community agency required), Granite City: 444-3077
Community Free Store (last Tuesday of the month 2-5:30), Granite City: 709-0713
Belleville Christian Center, Belleville: 235-1643
Community Care Center, Granite City: 876-8770
Community Hope Center, Cottage Hills: 259-0959
Crisis Food Center, Alton: 462-8201
Maryville Outreach Center, Maryville: 345-9693
Operation Blessing (Wood River clients only), Wood River: 251-5683
Pregnancy Care Center, Belleville (clothing up to 5 yrs old): 233-2273
Find a Doctor for You and Your Baby
Regular prenatal care is essential for a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby. Here are some local doctors who can provide the quality OB/GYN care you need, both during and after your pregnancy:
Maryville Women’s Center, Maryville: 307-0999
Dr. Tina Gingrich, Maryville: 288-2970
Dr. Christina Midkiff, Maryville: 288-7408
Dr. James Dalla-Riva, Maryville: 288-5699
Women’s Care- Southern IL: 234-2390
Dr. Sekou Kelsey, Dr. Beatty, Sylvia Oberneufermann Midwife & Nurse Practioner
Grace Women’s Healthcare, Belleville: 233-0017
Drs. Frank & Helen Musseman
West Belleville Health Center, Belleville: 394-0712
Drs. Colon, Engeljohn & Walter
Meridian OBGYN Associates, Glen Carbon: 288-9251
Drs. Hurford, Roylchman & Shariff, Kelly Murray-Midwife
Dr. Joseph Herrmann: 314-432-0056
Dr. Carolyn Martin – High Risk: 314-469-2229
Dr. Kent Branson: 314-991-2229
Dr. Gregory Jewell: 314-872-7400
After your baby is born, regular visits to a qualified pediatrician help to ensure that your child is growing and developing appropriately. A pediatrician will be able to detect possible medical conditions or developmental delays — so that your child can get the early intervention that is so important for successful treatment.
Heartland Pediatrics, Collinsville: 855-9041
Drs. Lai, Sander & Stahl
Belleville Pediatrics, Swansea: 222-9244
Drs. Shilhavy, Santos, Keller & Nurse Practitioner- Harms
Find Housing and Financial Assistance
Not sure where you and your child will live? Mosaic Health can refer you to local agencies that can provide both temporary and long-term housing solutions.
Contact one of the following organizations if you’re in need of emergency housing:
Angel’s Cove, Mt. Vernon: 800‐458‐BABY
Fontebella Maternity Shelter, O’Fallon: 406-4355
Our Lady’s Inn, St. Louis: 314-351-4590
Phoenix Crisis Center, Granite City: 451-1008
Salvation Army, Granite City: 451-7957
Salvation Army, Alton: 465-7764
Missouri Baptist Children’s Home, Bridgeton: 314-739-6811
The Sparrow’s Nest, O’Fallon, MO: 636-336-2534
Safe Families for Children: 314-452-6547
Next, here are some agencies that assist families with permanent housing:
Catholic Charities Housing Resource Center: 314‐802‐5444
Madison County Housing Authority, Collinsville: 345-5142 or 5144
Public Aid, Granite City: 877-9200
Terra Properties, Highland, Troy: 654-7033
St. Clair County Housing Authority: 277-3290
Do you need help with financial matters or paying for utilities? Here are some organizations who can help:
Catholic Charities, Granite City: 877-1184
New Life Evangelistic Center, St. Louis: 314‐421-3020
Urban League, Madison County: 877-8860
There are numerous other organizations who can help you access food, clothing and other material items to meet your child’s ongoing needs as he or she grows:
WIC & Healthy Moms/Healthy Kids, Granite City: 877-3433
WIC & Healthy Moms/Healthy Kids, Belleville: 233-6175, then press 5
St. Clair County Public Aid Office, East St. Louis: 583-2300
Madison County Public Aid Office, Granite City: 877-9200
CHASI (Government Funded Babysitting): 800-847-6770, ext. 390
All Kids (Health Insurance for Illinois children): Visit www.allkids.com or call 866‐255-5437
DCFS, Granite City: 876‐8985
Healthy Start/Mother & Child Center, Centreville: 332-3509
East Side Health District: 874-4713
Grandma’s Attic, Maryville: 345-9693
Goodwill, Glen Carbon: 656-0180
Goodwill, Belleville: 234-3820
Salvation Army Thrift Store, Granite City: 876-9150
Beacon of Belleville: 222-8842
Call for Help Inc., East St. Louis: 397-0968
National Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support, Anderson Hospital (Nationalshare.org): 391-5984
Ultrasound Zone, Glen Carbon (3D/4D/gender determination ultrasounds, cost varies): 288-3315
Charity Home, Belleville (Crisis Management, Mentoring & Education): 300-0771
Are you looking for resources for an unplanned pregnancy? Do you need to talk to someone in a welcoming, nonjudgmental environment?
Contact Mosaic Health today. We look forward to providing the support you need to get through what may be a challenging time in your life.